Sunday, July 24, 2011

Girl Code: Live it, Love it, Learn it.

No, all you skeptics out there, girl code is a real thing! You may think that the so called "girl code" is only alive in the Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants or any other chick flick, but you are sorely mistaken. The Girl Code has bee abused, misused, and taken advantage of so many times that most teenage girls don't even know the first thing about it. So let me explain: 
     Rule Number 1 and most IMPORTANT out of all: NEVER under any circumstances no matter how "bored" or "tired" you are (ehmmm) date your friend's; ex's, past crushes, guys who have humiliated/used her and guys she currently fancies. Violation of this code could cause a massive rupture if not total destruction of your friendship.
Rule Number 2: Never put your boyfriend before your friends. Always make time for your friends in order to lead a healthier and more balanced life. Whether you plan a girls makeover night every week or a movie night keep a ritual and try to honor it. DO NOT CHOOSE A MAN OVER YOUR BEST FRIEND! If you change boyfriends so fast they rarely achieve name status who do you think is going to be there for you in the end? Yup. That's right. Your friend.
Rule Number 3: Respect yourself first, because loving you the way you are is most important. Nuff said. 
Rule Number 4: You are never to diss your friends boyfriend except to nod or lightly agree when she decides he is being an A-hole. The only exception is when a guy cheated or dumped
your friend and only then it is exceptional for you to claim he isn't good enough, and that she deserves better as well as reminding her that he was an A-hole anyway.
And Finally Rule Number 5: Always remember who was there for you throughout all of your hardships and be sure to return the favor when they are down in the dumps. 
"Arms are for hugging. Boys are for kissing. Sluts are for dissing, and best friends are for when your boyfriend disses you for the slut and you really need a hug." Anonymous
If you or your friend ever need a little refresher on the codes of a girl then step right up and read away! This Code might just save you from making one of the biggest mistakes of your life. Stay Golden ;)
Yours Truly,
The Travelbug.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Well Whad'ya Know... I'm Blogging!

     First and foremost I would like to thank Not-So-Average-Teen for introducing me to another completely time consuming activity. If you are interested in her insanely awesome blog take a gander:
     Life. What a loaded word. Many people describe it differently. Me? Well I describe it as one chaotic, amazingly fun, unpredictable, and sometimes worrisome chance to get to know and love other people.  
     I have a somewhat annoyingly positive outlook on life. I have been raised in a family that loves each other very much. I am pretty sheltered, but don't get me wrong. Life has been super exciting too! I have lived in 5 different states and have been to 6 different schools! WHOA BABY! I have lived in Nevada, Alaska, California, Montana, and Florida. In that order too! Can you say whip lash mom and dad? I have also traveled all across the states. Name a state and I've probably been to it. Do it. I dare you :) I have also traveled to Mazatlan, Mexico, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, and Canada. I was supposed to go to Spain ...but that's a different story for another time.
     Well This has been fun but I'm not gonna lie, I'm am pretty tired and this blog is all about honesty so you know I'm telling the truth. Until next time faithful bloggers! Stay golden ;) 
Yours Truly,
            The Travelbug.