Friday, July 22, 2011

Well Whad'ya Know... I'm Blogging!

     First and foremost I would like to thank Not-So-Average-Teen for introducing me to another completely time consuming activity. If you are interested in her insanely awesome blog take a gander:
     Life. What a loaded word. Many people describe it differently. Me? Well I describe it as one chaotic, amazingly fun, unpredictable, and sometimes worrisome chance to get to know and love other people.  
     I have a somewhat annoyingly positive outlook on life. I have been raised in a family that loves each other very much. I am pretty sheltered, but don't get me wrong. Life has been super exciting too! I have lived in 5 different states and have been to 6 different schools! WHOA BABY! I have lived in Nevada, Alaska, California, Montana, and Florida. In that order too! Can you say whip lash mom and dad? I have also traveled all across the states. Name a state and I've probably been to it. Do it. I dare you :) I have also traveled to Mazatlan, Mexico, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, and Canada. I was supposed to go to Spain ...but that's a different story for another time.
     Well This has been fun but I'm not gonna lie, I'm am pretty tired and this blog is all about honesty so you know I'm telling the truth. Until next time faithful bloggers! Stay golden ;) 
Yours Truly,
            The Travelbug.

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