Friday, August 5, 2011

The Perfect Man Checklist

    I believe that everyone has a soul mate. There is someone out there for everyone. Whether you find true love once or twice, someone will always be there for you. Which is why to narrow down our search my friends and I made A Perfect Man Checklist. Things he HAS to have .... and things he really needs to forget.
  1. Smiles with his eyes.
  2. Funny
  3. Smells reallly good. 
  4. Not Super Dumb 
  5. Taller Than Me 
  6. Likes To Cuddle
  7. Can Pull off Aviator Sunglasses
  8. Hot Accent 
  9. College Graduate 
  10. Has a Great Sense of Style 
  11. Gives Good Massages 
  12. Has good Morals 
  13. Never Ever Wears Sunglasses inside 
  14. Has to be Rigid ;) 
  15. Gorgeous Eyes 
  16. Takes you out on a date where you dance in the street and make your own music. 
  17. Would Change Species for me ( think the Notebook) 
  18. Has to be EXACTLY like the guy off of the Notebook .    
  19. Drives a Motorcycle 
  20. Has Cute Dimples 
  21. Is Super Romantic 
  22. Beautiful Gorgeous Hair 
  23. Musical Abilities             
  24. Cares about my feelings first 
  25. Buys you chocolate when your on Your period 
  26. Very Protective 
  27. Wipes away my tears 
  28. Likes to watch CRAZY youtube Videos 
  29. Can Laugh about stuff
  30. Completely Honest  
  31. Writes Handwritten Letters 
  32. Gives a Romantic Marriage Proposal 
  33. Knows Everything About me 
  35. Drops everything to spend time with me 
  36. Tells you your beautiful when your feeling your lowest 
  37. Witty 
  38. Clean ( no dirt under fingernails and smells yummy) 
  39. Nice to his mom 
  40. Loves Animals 
  41. Loves Indian Food 
  42. Not Clingy
  43. Comfortable with Silence 
  44. LOVES to TRAVEL 
  45. Nerdy :) 
Feel Free to add some qualifications :) We are always updating our Perfect Guy Checklist.  
                  Yours Truly, 
                                  The Travelbug